Today we continue our series looking at spring maintenance to-dos, to prepare your home for the warmer months ahead. As the winter weather parts ways and welcomes in warmer temperatures and sunlight, it also brings a glow to many seasonal home maintenance needs. Gutters, sidewalks, roofs, and landscaping can all take a hit during the winter, but the good news is there is time to knock all of your maintenance needs and just in time to enjoy your summer.




4. Windows
Check the caulking and stripping around your windows to make sure hot air cannot get in, and cold air out. If you have double or triple-glazed windows and notice moisture on the inside your seal may have been compromised. In many cases these windows will need to be replaced.

This is also a good time to clean your windows (both inside and outside). If you kept screens on your windows all winger it’s also a good idea to remove and clean as well. Make sure and let the screens drying before putting them back on.

5. Air Conditioning
Check and make sure that you are AC Units are in working order. This includes changing the filter and checking connections for leak. Make sure your drain pans are draining freely and without leaks. When necessary contact a qualified heating and cooling contractor to clean and service the unit.